Creative Digital - Crafting Compelling Stories

We are are digital agency that looks to work with creative individuals to develop assets that would otherwise go unheralded.

With a background in research, advertising/marketing, film production and web-design we draw on all these aspects to build out a comprehensive online presence.

We cut our teeth working with charities filming what they do and combined this with pioneering real estate moving images (video tours) back in 2007-2009 when naysayers said a photo was enough. Some of our clients have included Child Hope Children’s Charity, The Association of Analytical Psychology (NZ), Bayleys, Harcourts, LJ Hooker, First National, The Ovation Channel (then part of Foxtel), Daemon web design and PaXifica. We are progressively building-out examples of our work on our website, thanks for your patience.

We look forward to working with you